Skill matters because skills matter!
Why courage in consistency?
Firstly, when we look for, and accept, praise we create an image of ourselves on the reflection of how others see us but we get no consistent feeling of self worth like this. Instead, we get a feeling of “foreign” value and we become dependent on an unstable “in-put” system.
Consistent investment in ourselves is the only way to nurturing valuable self worth and confidence, and that takes courage.
#couragecorner #couragereflected #consistencyiskey #consistency #consistencymatters #consistencypays #consistencycoach #hesteryourholisticcoach #investinyourself #selfworth #nurtureselfworth
Secondly, your future doesn’t depend on your past, but in the choices you make in every moment right now. Stay with it. Courage and change come with consistent choices, you need to choose carefully, and that takes courage.
#consistent #consistentchoices #choosetothrive #choosewisely #choosecarefully #couragecoaching #chooseabetterfuture #choosecourage
Thirdly, a complex constantly changing world mostly demands complex solutions.
But, sometimes it only requires simple ones. Stay courageous. Stay consistent. Don’t overthink things.
#kiss #keepitsimplesilly #dontoverthinkit #consistencyiskey #consistencypays #simplesolutions
Then, remember that “castles in the sky” can become real. Look around you and the “castles” others have managed to build. Castles in the sky are your first steps to a vision. But only, the first steps. And your firsts steps are the spade work to laying your castle’s foundations.
Making the first step takes courage, the rest of the way requires consistency, otherwise they remain castles in the sand.
#castlesinthesky #courageousbeings #courageousconversations #couragecoaching #consistencyoverperfection
And finally, some days you’ll feel those dreaded setbacks – “splat”.
You’ll feel shattered, sore or simply flat. But take courage in knowing you’re not alone…pick up consistency and take her home.
Rest, relax, nurture and care, because courage and consistency are for those who dare…
#idareyou #couragetogrow #splat #consistencybuildsmomentum #yourenotalone #consistencytakeseffort #consistencybuildscredibility
If you need support in finding your courage, and seeing it through with someone to hold you accountable to your castles and actions – I’m right here!
With love and light I wish you much courage in challenging times!
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