Shift November into Know-vember!
Do you know that “2020 Vision” means perfect vision?
Absolute clarity?
So much of your success depends largely on having a vision, seeing the big picture, having goals, being able to keep an overview of your progress and staying focused on your aspirations, yet, as time goes by your dreams and goals become blurred, we eventually lose sight of them and you…
And then something unexpected like Covid happens and everything related to it has, for some, horrible consequences. We’ve all been hit in some form or another by this rather unattractive, uncomfortable and unpleasant “cherry” on top of all our other day to day challenges.
2020 has certainly brought some new perspectives and views with it.
But it doesn’t have to be all bad…
November offers you the opportunity to turn no’s into resounding YES’s but we all know that is so much easier when we know why and how, so go for it, turn November it Know-vember. What better time to dream up, think up and set up plans than right now? Do it – before you find yourself making more redundant resolutions for the coming year and set the “same old, same old” cycle in motion.
I know that within you, you possess the power to be your very best self even in times of crises. Everyone can get “stuck” at times – and that’s OK! What’s not OK is finding excuses, deferring joy and satisfaction because of it and doing the same stuff over while you expect things to change or get different results. That doesn’t make sense.
I won’t empower you, you are already “power”. I will share beautiful nuggets, tools and tips to enhance your personal mastery and fem-power so that you can close this year out strong, ready to embrace and truly look forward to your future.
Can you imagine…
Come! Connect with me! Refresh, reset and regain your wow-ness, confidence, calm and your knowing that, come what may, you’ll be clear on what you want and that all will be good in your future.
Love, light and good health, Hester
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